How to Deal with Chipmunks at the Cabin
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How to Deal with Chipmunks at the Cabin

Whether you love them or hate them, follow these tips for how do deal with chipmunks in your cabin garden.

 Photo by Richard Hamilton / Unsplash


Article courtesy of Garden Gate Magazine


Usually found in wooded areas, chipmunks, or ground squirrels, have adapted to urban living very well. Look for tunnels near retaining walls, foundations, between tree roots and in dense plantings.


Love ‘em

Chipmunks are entertaining to watch and they do eat slugs and insects.

What to do

They can make a feast from almost any kind of seed you put out for them.


See also Garden Design: How to Use Plant Containers


Hate ‘em

When they tunnel around plants, the roots dry out. Digging and tunneling can cause retaining walls to collapse. Chipmunks dig up and eat newly planted seeds and bulbs, as well as tender young plants and fruits.

What to do

Trapping may be your best option. Protect newly planted areas with hardware cloth placed over the soil to prevent digging. Spraying Wilt-Pruf® on the edges of containers sometimes keeps chipmunks from climbing in and digging.


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