A Clean Feeder is a Healthy Feeder
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A Clean Feeder is a Healthy Feeder

If you are an admirer of wild birds, keeping feeders full of high quality wild bird food isn’t your only task. It’s wise to clean your feeders regularly. Birds can transmit disease to one another by eating from a dirty feeder.

Here are a few tips for keeping your feeders clean and healthy:

•  Rinse feeders with a 10 percent solution of bleach and warm water.

•  While you’re at it, scrub birdbaths with a brush and replace water every three to five days to discourage mosquito reproduction.

•  It’s also a good idea to rake up and dispose of seed hulls under feeders. Moving feeders now and then helps prevent the buildup of waste in any one part of your yard.

•  Hummingbird feeders should be emptied, cleaned (using a very light bleach solution), rinsed well and replenished every three to five days, or every other day in warm weather.

•  When it comes to storing food,
keep seeds and foods dry and discard any that smell musty, are wet
or look moldy.

•  Finally, it’s always good hygiene to wash your hands after filling or cleaning feeders.

Put “feeder maintenance” on your schedule. The birds will be glad you did.

“6 Steps To Turn Your Yard Into A Sanctuary For Birds,” www.backyardbirdcare.org. A philosophy created and endorsed by the Wild Bird Feeding Industry, www.wbfi.org.

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