Bird Nests on My Cabin
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Bird Nests on My Cabin

Q:  What should I do if a bird builds a nest very close to or on the outside of my cabin?
– Kristi, via e-mail

A: If possible, do nothing! The bird has picked its optimal nesting spot, and the best thing to do is leave it alone. There is a chance that, if disturbed often enough, the bird will ditch its nest, but it is much more likely to leave if you physically remove the nest and place it elsewhere. If you must move the nest, only do so before the bird has laid eggs.

Another thing to consider, however, before attempting to relocate the nest is whether the bird occupying it is a migratory bird or not. Removing the nests of migratory birds is against the law, as outlined in the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, and the list is quite extensive. There are obviously many birds that are not migratory species, but it will be essential to correctly identify the bird first before taking any action.

If the birds turn out to be messy pests (some are), later will be the time to look into alternate living spaces for them. But for now, let them rest and nest. Most likely, the babies will hatch, grow and fly away in no time.

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