Murus Company | Structural Insulating Panels
The Murus Company, Inc. manufactures structural insulating panels for the timber home industry. Murus SIPs can enclose your Timber Frame home for superior energy performance and comfort.
Company Details
Address: PO Box 220, 3234 Route 549
City: Mansfield
State: Pennsylvania
Zipcode: 16933
Phone: +1 (570) 549-2100
Contact: Get a Quote
Murus Company | Structural Insulating Panels
The Murus Company, Inc. supplies structural insulated panels to the log home industry. Murus SIPs can optimize a log structure’s roofing system. Applied over the top of the log rafter, purlin, or over or even beneath a conventional truss rafters system (using our lighter weight ceiling SIPs), Murus SIPs will provide a clean, integrated interior surface for ease of finishing while providing superior insulation values, performance, and energy efficiency.