TikTok Accounts to Cure Cabin Wanderlust
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TikTok Accounts to Cure Cabin Wanderlust

Escape into the captivating world of cabin TikTok.

Written by Gina Valente
TikToks For Cabins
(From left to right, images courtesy of: @kjp, @moodycabingirl, @kjp)
Ready to be transported to a world of fixer-upper cabins and off-grid escapes in 60 seconds or less? Welcome to TikTok. This video-based social media app is full of interesting, informative and awe-inspiring cabin content! Here are 10 accounts to get you started:

Ethan Abitz (@ethanabitz)

Ethan was on a Wall Street career trajectory when he decided to drop out of college and become a photographer instead. Now his adventures have taken him all over the United States as he captures beautiful images of cabins and documents them on his Instagram and TikTok accounts.

Moody Cabin Girl (@moodycabingirl)

Cabin blogger Gina Valente takes you on cabin tours throughout the Midwest through her TikTok account. She specializes in all things moody and whimsical. You can expect a lot of string lights and dark and mysterious images on her account.

Hilhaus Aframe (@hilhausaframe)